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A wise leprous won't die

As a result of a pre-informed war

What if the truth lie?

And a piece of adulterated news is termed raw.


But why fake news?

Why do you add a twist to the truth?

The fake is of no use

but my seedling can be apple until you see the fruit.


Don't ask me why?

I'm only on my way to acceptance

Well, "dx (the ex)" was "(the why) dy"

differentiation of its integration, led to this deviance


What I was?

Was never accepted, though it's what I am

Could not be worse,

Another version of me, won't cause a harm


I need more likes

for fancy, I need to up my followers

a sort of personality hike

Now classy, I can't afford to fall lower


I'm dating a celeb's Sire

My follower's retweet will make it trend

Someone's house is on fire

Lie-bomb landed, his truth won't make it end


Politics is fair

With the media on our Side, we have the youth

When they hear of his affair

All over, none will bother to sleuth


I can be whatever I want

Online, I can die and live at the same time

I can be happy and hurt,

Rich-poor, unknown yet famous, it's no crime


Yes it is!

Information is the psyche to live healthy

But with these,

"misinformation", living could be deadly


How do we set this straight?

Educating men to acknowledge the actual news

We can also learn to wait,

To avoid painting counterfeits before the muse


Faith Toluwani Samuel. 


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