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How To Know You Are On The Right Career Path


Take a moment to imagine yourself on a Sunday evening hanging out with a couple of your friends and then Boom! It hits you that you would be going to work tomorrow- Monday.  Did you get all excited or you get Sunday blues - dreading the thought of having to do(in your own opinion) the same boring stuff, 9am-5pm, Mondays to Fridays, week in week out but you have no choice because the bills just keeps coming in?

If you fall in the latter category, then you are most likely among those who hate their jobs. My guess is you probably took the job because adulthood isn’t a joke to you. That is why you are working as a cashier in a bank even though you studied Engineering and would rather be working with a team brainstorming on the latest technology that solves a particular problem.

You may not even hate your job but you are just there, going to work but get super excited about a Friday and deep down you know you are meant for something more.

Do you also know that you can get all giddy up on a Monday morning doing a job you love and getting paid.


How then do I get to do a job I really love and get paid you may ask. 

I feel that we need to firstly identify those things that we are naturally good at, things that gets us excited, finding those activities that are meaningful and fulfilling to us,after which, we can draw a job out from it. 

Let’s consider a lady(let’s call her Miss A) Miss A has always been in love with fashion from an early age. You would catch her in her mom’s heels and a red lipstick ridiculously smeared on her lips. Growing up,her  girlfriends always come to her for dress combination ideas because in their words, she has an eye for color and fashion. She gets to the Uni and studies Business Administration.

Miss A might decide to become a Fashion Influencer and still gets paid.


Using Miss A scenario, you can ascertain that you are on the right career path if you can resonate with;

1. Obviously, getting excited about what you do.

2. Getting committed to the service of what you do.

3. Finally moving out of your comfort zone and shutting out the “what will people say/think”.

4. Not being really bothered about the pay although it pays you but you find a sense of fulfillment and you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

5. Realizing at the long run that your job is inspired from the gifts and abilities of things you can do naturally and effortlessly.

Lastly, if you find that one thing you can go on for hours talking about without getting bored, you should make a career out it.

Good luck.

Omilabu Olapeju

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