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General Joe Komolafe (rtd) has told the 2020 Batch B Stream 2 Prospective corps members that their safety depended on self awareness and carefulness during the service year.

According to General Joe, security awareness is very important hence the corps members must be cautious, careful and trust their instincts in order to stay safe.

Speaking Further, he advised the prospective corps members to wear friendly smiles and avoid  extravagant living in order to avoid becoming soft targets. 

"Relate very well with your neighbours and have the numbers of security agencies close to you.

" be moderate in your dressing and use of jewelries. Avoid using excessive or too expensive jewelries unnecessary so that you  don't become a soft target for crime ", he added.

Subsequently, he warned the corps members against drug abuse which according to him, may lead to addiction and thereby trigger crimes such as sexual assaults, armed robbery and other social vices. He stressed that the PCMs should only take drugs prescribed to them by professional doctors.

 Conclusively, he emphasized on the importance of modern technology in crushing problems of insecurity, as he urged them to avail themselves the proper use of technological gadgets in promoting personal security.

"Science and technology have made life easy such that one could access security networks at the easiest and cheapest cost available",  he concluded.

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