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My name is Kamiye Coker, everyone calls me Kami. I’m 22 years old and fine as hell! Yes I know lol. And this is my story;
I’m a student of one of the prestigious universities in Nigeria, I am in my 3rd year of study and I’m pretty much doing well, good grades, GP is top notch and good relationship with my colleagues and lecturers. Everyone likes me so yeah I attract a lot of attention from guys! I’m not Gay but I can swear some of the girls want me lol, no jokes. I am extremely choosy, picky to a fault cos I strive to be as perfect as possible in everything I do, of course we know that’s not possible but Kami is the girl with a lot of impossible possibilities.
It all started when I met this guy at my school exams center, I had memorized all my notes, kept them away safe in the deep part of my brain, it was waiting for me to retrieve and download in my answer booklet. So let’s call this guy Jason. I was studying last minute with my friends when Jason boldly walked up and said hi to all of us and then he faced me and complimented how beautiful I am right in front of my friends. Oh my! Almost romantic I can swear but nope he wasn’t my type of guy. Shabby clothes, no dreads or at least a decent modern cut, he was wearing Sketchers, isn’t that for running the New York marathon? Lol no pun intended but really this guy has balls but unfortunately just not my type!
Now let me introduce to you, Conor. Conor was/is my man. I don’t know if we’re still in a relationship cos he’s always having his hands in a girls boobs which is disrespectful to me but I play the ignore game cos he’s a ladies man so it’s only natural for the girls to swarm around him. I still wish he’d pay me much deserved attention tho. Conor is my type of guy, designer clothes, has a car, always clean cut, never cut unfresh and financially stable. But his attitude is as foul as a bitch on her period, his countenance is a negative aura and I don’t know what I’m still doing with him, I guess just keeping up with appearances! It’s always love and lost with Conor, we’re in a relationship but not really into it as we should. We’re only using each other for societal benefits, nothing more! Yes I loved Conor when we’d just started, I kinda still do but we’ve fell apart and don’t blame me, he’s the one who wants to grab ass and receive head in the middle of a lecture. I’m a decent girl, won’t do it so he gets pleasure from having different girls do his bidding and yeah they’re always in a rush to his beck and call. Conor is a king in his kingdom and that cannot be denied.
Back to Jason, the confident riff raff that came to talk to me, what was he thinking tho! So anyway he started a short conversation, me and my girls was polite enough to manage replies, he eventually walked off. He must have sensed my no interest, he didn’t look disappointed tho, he was smiling like he’d just won a lottery! He apparently had other plans I found out the following week when he came to my department and asked if he could take me to lunch. Yes I declined cos I don’t want to be seen with him, he’s not up to my standards, I’m sure you all would understand this. Jason still didn’t look disappointed, he was still smiling and that left me wondering if he was a natural born to smile always which actually was cute. That same day on my way to the school park, my boyfriend Conor had made up an excuse so he couldn’t drop me off, I had to walk and boom there goes Jason walking towards me, too late to avoid him, he’s seen me already and he says hi, asked where I’m going to and if he can walk with me, he didn’t wait for a reply, he said I know you’re going to say NO but I intend to make you say YES to me one of these days. So he walked with me to the Park and we had a decent conversation to be honest, I was waiting for him to ask my number but he didn’t, I was a bit disappointed lol cos he kept a good decent conversation going and I liked that very much. He was a sweet gentleman, put me in the taxi and said bye, see you soon lol I was wondering how soon. Apparently too soon, we met at the ATM machine that night and he took me to get dinner at a local restaurant I’ve never been to, he told me if I gave him the chance, he’d open my eyes to all the SLUT (sweet little unforgettable things) I’m missing! I’m not sure if I’m up for the adventure but I kept a open mind about it and it all went from there. He finally asked my number and I gave it on the spot.
I grew more distant with Conor and was enjoying Jason’s attentions cos yes he feeds me with a whole lot!! It soo interesting how much we talk on the phone and text into the dead of the night, I was starting to like him apparently! My God I didn’t see this coming.
One day he invited me to his place after church, I agreed not knowing what exactly I was going to do there but went anyway and he was just being this sweet gentleman all over! He got me lunch, we ate together and was seeing a movie when the battery went out on his laptop so we was left to more talking but he cut me short with a kiss right on my lower lip when I was about jabbing nonsense no one wants to hear, I was nervous, I had it coming and he made the move. His lips tasted like frozen vanilla cream, he must have ate a bucket of cream before I came. That kiss was the beginning of the end cos the flood gates was opened in between my legs and he must have sensed it cos he came for me and yes I gave it to him. Shabby boy turned out to be a master kisser and he was doing so good fondling my boobs and touching my in places that sends fire down my spine. I was already in the clouds when he stopped suddenly and asked if I wanted this, I said YES YES YES!! He smiled and mentioned he always got what he wants with a sexy lust all over him, then he said it’s Sunday and we should keep the Sabbath day holy. No he’s got to be kidding me!! I wanted to die!! I wanted him so much and he’d really do this to me now?! Screw sabbath day and holiness, this guy made me loose my home training in matter of seconds after that first light kiss! So I went home angry and he was still smiling. I ignored him afterwards cos I felt he played me but he was having none of that. I know I’d loose this game anyway so I gave in when he dm me the eggplant emoji and a lot of water dripping with “9PM. My Place” to tell me game on!
I went late intentionally so he could be punished for what he’d done that Sunday and when I finally arrived in my sexiest gown looking like a glorified hoe, he locked his door and pounced on me immediately! I’d forgot I was gonna make him beg for it but the fire I saw in his eyes were lust and need and that turned me on, I couldn’t hold my plans anymore, I let him take me and yes we was in the clouds in no time. He knows what he’s doing apparently unlike Conor who rushes everything! Jason was a mix of a gentleman and a beast in bed. That was just too exciting and he built my climax I found myself cummin even before he went in. It was the best sex I ever had and by now I was full blown in love with him. I was excited and the first week was heaven. I cried when he asked me to be his girlfriend, I broke up with Conor and said yes to him the following day and he gave me a good one in bed that night! We was having too much sex and I was glowing so beautifully my friends kept asking what’s going on with me but I was never able to muster up the courage to tell them it’s Jason. I kept him a secret.
A month into our full fledged relationship, he started acting out and distant, I tried all I could to spark up our romance but I’d lost him already.
Tonight he told me he’s sorry, he’s an ED (emotional defective) and is unable to love anyone for a long time and he just wanted to have sex with me even though he knew from the start this wasn’t going anywhere. I told him he could try and put in more effort, I encouraged him to stay with him cos I was far gone at this point. I was ready to do anything for this guy, I was too in love but no he was long gone even before I knew it. He was ready for a new adventure with someone else, actually he already had another girl (victim) lined up.
I’m not sure I’m ready for any relationship right now, I want my peace of mind and no drama.
There’s another guy in the picture now, his name is Bambi and he’s really sweet but what if he’s just another Jason or Conor. I’m single right now but I’m not stupid to not rush into a relationship.


NAME: Balogun Maryam Olamide
SCHOOL: University of Ilorin
COURSE OF STUDY: English language
STATE OF ORIGIN: Kwara state


  1. Beautiful and attention-catching piece. Kudos

  2. Oh damn!!! This is beautiful 👌❤️

  3. So beautiful. You're a writer gal.
    More fire.

  4. An interesting piece...I was lost in the story.

  5. This is a very nice read. So relatable!... Bal Bal you need to keep this up darling.


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The State Coordinator,  Mr Ayodele Adegoke, the management,  corps members and staff of NYSC Osun State felicitate with the Director Ge...