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 The influence of traditional crafts in the contemporary world has embodied our cultural and societal Heritage  risen to it's  peak,  hence preserving traditions, customs  and creating modern design principles, vocation and innovative products. The value of our crafts speaks so much about our heritage since it's story, history and authenticity has been passed from one generation to the other,  Especially here in Africa where we have unique identities and our cultural tools and artifacts reveals significant details about us in our society, country and even the world at large.


In recent times, we can see how the significance of craftsmanship in the evolution of handmade goods portrays knowledge and incredible skills in the digital world today. From the food we eat, to the clothes we wear, to the materials we use day-in-day-out,  alongside fashion trends and design on boards as they have been attained and ensuring that it all beats the great test of time. Why has the shape of this piece been modified? why have they removed a recipe from your favorite old-time meal?  why are houses  now built in  different ways as compared from of old?  These reasons are the knowledge and skills that manifested  the rebirth of handmade goods.


The value of handmade goods in the digital age will continue to be celebrated and recognized. Each material and it's method has been developed overtime to make them even more valuable by increasing it's efficiency, worth and the purpose for which it was made.  Hence, it's increase in the ever changing market trend. Authenticity and unique stories are told about traditional crafts or handmade goods which make the item or piece more valuable although these digital platforms like social media, E- commerce and educational platforms helps to share these stories paving a deeper connection or link with it's consumers.


The traditional method of craftsmanship may have been obsolete but the initiative involved cannot be removed in the process and techniques of manufacturing these products. Of course,  many of these digitalised products have a unique technique and process of how it's being made, they all have their root names/processes from it's traditional craftsmanship.


Technology or digitalised products now poses some challenges to traditional artisans amongst which are copyright infringement, mass production which might lead to reduced cost, competition from cheap thrills or sources and low quality imitations.


Handmade goods have found new tendencies and opportunity to thrive in a visualized digital world. Not just in local markets but to the open arms,  and different corners of the world globally. As consumers will continue to prioritize authenticity, sustainability and quality over quantity, the demand of handmade goods will likely prevail.



The Renaissance of traditional crafts in the digital age is the commendation of its wonderful significance in retrospect. It shows the expediency of quality, sustainability and authenticity as we approach the future. We will  see a brighter end with ecstatic hope that the world is indeed a Natural wonder.






  1. The world is indeed a rich natural wonder
    Amazing work

  2. This write up is really educating,well done

  3. Great piece of art..... Wonderful craft u got in u.

  4. Great work you have here.

  5. The world indeed is a natural wonder...well done!

  6. Nice piece of work

  7. Nice piece. Handcraft coupled with technology a thing of beauty


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