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Family, The Bedrock of the Nation

I never existed before
I was a blank slate
Not born with or without flaw
I was my niche's bait

My mouth is placed to food
Later taught to use the plate
Sucking the milk mother's chest brewed
Can't even remember the taste nor the date

So clueless I was
Father gave my name, as I await...
To be called, if even worse
A cogent choice; I didn't dictate!

What is right or wrong?
If only I was not told "zigzag is straight"
Who had taught me the way of the tongue?
If not for cousins who said, " abuse is a way to recreate"

I grow up to know another company like ours
Another little baby living the company's fate
As I started walking, I get to know there are others
Growing with a chosen fate, hoping it will change by Faith

Many have no choice on the contrary
More and more; this states form a State
More and more state; it is now a country
Which state, we are now looking on leaders to reinstate

Drops of water is now a mighty Ocean
each source's property defines the conjugate
These companies could form a great Nation!
If only their choices for us positively appreciate

Older I become; searching for:
beauty! till her belly inflate;
Turns out a little us, who never existed before
Another blank slate.


NAME: Faith, Toluwani Samuel
STATE CODE:  OS/19B/4021

Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State.


  1. What a beautiful piece you've got. You were able to communicate your thought interestingly.

    Moreso, i love the rhymes!


  2. Wow.. brilliant!

    I love this!

    Kudos to you poet!

  3. What a distinct write-up!

    I'm impressed!

  4. U are a rare gem... A choose generation... This is fantastic.. . .A word full of wisdom and motivating.... I love it. . Kudos to u.. .

  5. This rhymes is perfect I keep on reading till I I'm satisfy....more power to ur elbow.. .

  6. Articulate write up... God I so much love this

  7. You'll never leave where you are until you decide where you'd rather be.
    This is awesome. ...Nice write

  8. Drop of water is now a mighty ocean.... This words caught my attention ..... I think I gain something there. ... .U are wonderful faith Toluwani

  9. Intelligent write-up

    The rhymes got me man!


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