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: Olufon of Ifon

HRM Oba Al-Maroof Adekunle Magbagbeola, Olumoyero II, the Olufon of Ifon has called on the 2018 Batch C stream I corps members deployed to Osun State to imbibe a culture of good manners. He made the call while  delivering the traditional lecture on the culture of the Yoruba at the Permanent Orientation Camp Ede.

Oba Magbagbeola exposed the corps members to the culture and traditions of the Yoruba especially in Osun State, through his lecture. He further highlighted some of the taboos of the Yoruba which according to him, differs from place to place. He took a bold step in  an attempt to disabuse the minds of the corps members against the popular notion that Yoruba's are unfriendly and sacrifice humans during festivals.

According to him, " Yoruba's are a very friendly, hospital and peace loving people. Our culture is also a very friendly culture which encourages even foreigners to participate". "Many of our festivals are well attended by foreigners and natives as well".

However, Oba Magbagbeola called on the members not to take other people's culture for granted but to respect, cherish and embrace them in spite of the differences. He further called upon the members to imbibe a culture of good manners as this is capable of not only endearing them to the people of their host community but also attracts goodwill to them.

Highlights of the event include entertainment by royal drummers and an interactive session on possible steps to be taken to unite and move the nation forward.

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